Working with GHDL

sudo apt update

sudo apt install snapd

sudo snap install ghdl


git clone

cd vhdl_ghdl_examples

make I=<input_file> T=<test_bench_file> E=<test_bench_entity_name>

make I=test/counter.vhdl T=test/counter.test.vhdl E=counter_tb

.... output ...

ghdl -a -fsynopsys --std=08 test/counter.vhdl test/counter.test.vhdl 

ghdl -e -fsynopsys --std=08 counter_tb

ghdl -r -fsynopsys --std=08 counter_tb --vcd=waves/counter_tb.vcd --wave=waves/counter_tb.ghw --stop-time=1us

/snap/ghdl/1/bin/ghdl:info: simulation stopped by --stop-time @1us


This will generate wave and vcd files to the waves directory.

Then open generated .ghw or .vcd file with gtkwave.

make I=test/counter.vhdl T=test/counter.test.vhdl E=counter_tb S_TIME=1ms

Example Using GHDL and GTKWave

Compile VHD File and Generate  Object File, to see the output, you need to run the simulation. Here are the steps:

Open Your VHDL Simulation Tool: Use a VHDL simulation tool like ModelSim, Vivado, or GHDL.

 Compile the Design and Testbench:  Compile both the xor_gate and xor_gate_tb files.

# Compile the design and testbench

ghdl -a xor_gate.vhdl

ghdl -a xor_gate_tb.vhdl

# Elaborate the testbench

ghdl -e xor_gate_tb

Simulation of Design

 Run the Simulation: 

Run the simulation for xor_gate_tb. The simulator will show the waveform and you can observe the values of signals a, b, and y.

# Run the simulation and generate a waveform file

ghdl -r xor_gate_tb --vcd=waveform.vcd

# View the waveform using GTKWave

gtkwave waveform.vcd

Microwatt: Emulation in FPGA

his Makefile is set up for a hardware design project using GHDL, Yosys, and Verilator. Below is an explanation of the key components:

GHDL ?= ghdl : Sets the GHDL variable to ghdl if not already defined.

  GHDLFLAGS=--std=0: Specifies that the VHDL standard to be used is 2008.

   CFLAGS=-O3 -Wall  Sets the compiler flags to optimize the code (-O3) and enable all warning messages Wall

    VERILATOR_FLAGS=-O3 -Wno-fatal -Wno-CASEOVERLAP -Wno-UNOPTFLAT}: Specifies the flags for Verilator, disabling certain warnings.

    ifeq (\$(VERILATOR_TRACE),1)}: If \texttt{VERILATOR\_TRACE is set to 1, additional flags for tracing are added.

    GHDLSYNTH ?= \$(shell (\$(YOSYS) -H | grep -q ghdl) || echo -m ghdl): Checks if Yosys has the GHDL plugin built in, otherwise adds the \texttt{-m ghdl} flag.

    YOSYS, NEXTPNR, ECPPACK, ECPPROG, OPENOCD, VUNITRUN, VERILATOR, DFUUTIL, DFUSUFFIX: These variables are set to their respective tool names or commands.

    DOCKER ?= 0, PODMAN ?= 0: These variables determine whether Docker or Podman is used.

   ifeq (\$(DOCKER), 1): If Docker is enabled, it sets up the Docker command and arguments.

    ifeq (\$(USE\_DOCKER), 1): If Docker or Podman is used, it configures the necessary commands for running tools inside containers.

   PWD = \$(shell pwd): Gets the current working directory.

    DOCKERARGS = run --rm -v \$(PWD: /src:z -w /src}: Sets the arguments for Docker.

   all = core\_tb icache_tb dcache_tb dmi\_dtm_tb wishbone_bram_tb soc_reset_tb: Lists all the testbenches to be built.

    core\_files, soc\_files, uart_files, soc\_sim\_files, soc\_sim\_c\_files: These variables contain lists of VHDL source files.

   sim\_dram\_c.o, soc_dram\_sim\_obj\_files, soc\_dram\_sim\_link: Variables related to the simulation of DRAM using Verilator.

    microwatt.json, microwatt.v, microwatt-verilator}: Targets for synthesizing and building the Microwatt core using Yosys and Verilator.

    prog, microwatt.svf, microwatt.dfu: Targets for programming the FPGA.

   tests, check, check_light: Targets for running different sets of tests.

    clean, distclean: Targets for cleaning up build artifacts.

Makefile also includes configurations for different FPGA targets like ECPIX-5, OrangeCrab, and ECP5-EVN. Each target has specific settings for clock frequencies, constraints, and packages.

jk@jkhome:~/dev/VHDL/microwatt/microwatt$ make

cc -O3 -Wall   -c -o sim_vhpi_c.o sim_vhpi_c.c

cc -O3 -Wall   -c -o sim_bram_helpers_c.o sim_bram_helpers_c.c

cc -O3 -Wall   -c -o sim_console_c.o sim_console_c.c

cc -O3 -Wall   -c -o sim_jtag_socket_c.o sim_jtag_socket_c.c

ghdl -i --std=08 --work=unisim --workdir=sim-unisim sim-unisim/BSCANE2.vhdl sim-unisim/BUFG.vhdl sim-unisim/unisim_vcomponents.vhdl

ghdl -c --std=08 -Psim-unisim -Wl,sim_vhpi_c.o -Wl,sim_bram_helpers_c.o -Wl,sim_console_c.o -Wl,sim_jtag_socket_c.o decode_types.vhdl common.vhdl wishbone_types.vhdl fetch1.vhdl utils.vhdl plrufn.vhdl cache_ram.vhdl icache.vhdl predecode.vhdl decode1.vhdl helpers.vhdl insn_helpers.vhdl control.vhdl decode2.vhdl register_file.vhdl cr_file.vhdl crhelpers.vhdl ppc_fx_insns.vhdl rotator.vhdl logical.vhdl countbits.vhdl multiply.vhdl multiply-32s.vhdl divider.vhdl execute1.vhdl loadstore1.vhdl mmu.vhdl dcache.vhdl writeback.vhdl core_debug.vhdl core.vhdl fpu.vhdl pmu.vhdl wishbone_arbiter.vhdl wishbone_bram_wrapper.vhdl sync_fifo.vhdl wishbone_debug_master.vhdl xics.vhdl syscon.vhdl gpio.vhdl soc.vhdl spi_rxtx.vhdl spi_flash_ctrl.vhdl git.vhdl sim_console.vhdl sim_pp_uart.vhdl sim_bram_helpers.vhdl sim_bram.vhdl sim_jtag_socket.vhdl sim_jtag.vhdl dmi_dtm_xilinx.vhdl sim_16550_uart.vhdl foreign_random.vhdl glibc_random.vhdl glibc_random_helpers.vhdl core_tb.vhdl -e core_tb

/snap/ghdl/1/bin/ghdl:error: unknown warning identifier: l,sim_vhpi_c.o

make: *** [Makefile:128: core_tb] Error 1
